How do I shape the bunks to the boat hull?
On Jun 18, 7:02*pm, kipmc4 wrote:
I'm changing the bunks on a used trailer I bought and need some
advice. The bunks are adjustable and I have measured the position on
my old trailer and have all the supports close. The only question is:
What's the best method to curve the bunks to fit the hull? The bunks
curve up in front and that is not too hard but they also curve inward
toward the center. The bunks are very stiff in that direction.
I'm using 2x6 wet fir ( not kiln dried)
Do I get the wood wet? *Use a chain to pull them into position?
Something else?
I'd like to get the shape pretty close before I try loading the boat.
18ft I/O Wellcraft w/ Cobra outdrive. Single axile trailer.
I am no expert on this but I would suspect that it should happen
naturally over time once the bunks are properly positioned/adjusted on
the trailer to provide good support of the boat.