JimH wrote:
On Jun 24, 7:06 am, "Reginald P. Smithers III" "Reggie is Here
Jim wrote:
"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:25:51 -0400, "Jim" wrote:
"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
(Jim H Nonsense snipped)
Wave said- I know you aren't stupid.
I said- Ya right.
Wave said- No, I'm being serious.
What he's suggesting is impossible.
However, he has provided a link, so I will call in the morning and
we'll see.
I said - Why put yourself to all that trouble?
The same person who says his marina does not raise their price of fuel,
until they refill their tanks, is the same person who praised his
previous marina for being so sweet that they installed a wheelchair ramp
out of the goodness of their heart, and then saved him money by not
replacing his impeller because the engine was not running hot. While
P.T. Barnum never actually said "Their is a sucker born every minute",
he should have.
The marina is required by law to install a wheelchair rampway for anyone
who needs it (American's with Disability Act). The same wonderful
marina told him you do not have to replace an impeller (of unknown age)
because the water temp is remaining constant. That should have been a
red flag to any boater to look for a new mechanic. If he had not
ignored this red flag, it would have saved him a lot of money.
All I have to say about the fuel prices, is consider the source.
Hey asshole. I gave you the links to the marinas. Call them and then
come back and tell everyone what they told you.
Why would anyone believe what they tell me or you about their accounting
procedures? If it makes some yahoos happy to believe they don't change
their price until they refill their tank, why burst the yahoo's bubble.
Why did you believe them when they told you your impeller did not need
to be changed since the engine was running at the correct temp? My
guess is because you wanted to believe it. Same with the cost of fuel,
you want to believe it. Wasn't that the same marina who wanted to
install the incorrect thermostat because they did not have the correct
on in stock?
JimH please meet P.T. Barnum.