Thread: Ping Pong Balls
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Default Ping Pong Balls

I would think more like an explosion in quantity.

"Glenn Ashmore" wrote in message
You ever lit off a ping pong ball? They are made of celluloid, a
mixture of nitrocellulose and champhor. It does not take a lot of heat
to set them off and they burn like flash paper. A bilge full would
make a pretty spectacular fire.

Tailgunner wrote:
Bear with me for a second.

I have been hearing about people using ping pong balls for floatation.
However, I can't find anyone who has actually done it.

It makes sense in that it will allow water to flow and not trap water in
the bilge. They should last a while and certainly easy to install.

Anyone have any first hand knowledge of doing this?


Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
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