For the boaters your marina or fuel dock fuelprices
On Jun 24, 5:38*pm, JimH wrote:
On Jun 24, 8:20*am, JimH wrote:
On Jun 24, 8:02*am, JimH wrote:
On Jun 23, 10:44*pm, Short Wave Sportfishing
On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:25:51 -0400, "Jim" wrote:
"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
.. .
On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:06:16 -0700 (PDT), JimH
BTW: *As you know, around here marina fuel pricing does not change
hourly but only upon new shipments of fuel. *Why you and a couple of
others have a hard time understanding that is beyond me.
Why do you keep insisting on this obvious fallacy?
I know you aren't stupid.
Ya right.
No, I'm being serious.
What he's suggesting is impossible.
However, he has provided a link, so I will call in the morning and
we'll see.
They are open Tom. *I await your apology.
Come in Tom............are you there Tom? * *Hello?
Car 54 where are you?????????????????
His reply:
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 16:59:17 -0700 (PDT), JimH
I have been waiting all day for you to confirm or deny my claims of
fuel prices at my marina.
Gee Jim - that's really sad that you waited here all day. My gosh.
You know, you can get help for Internet addiction - it's now a
recognized psychiatric disorder.
You doubted my claim that the fuel prices are not increased until a
new fuel shipment is received.
I still do.
You insulted me in the process by questioning my claim and calling me
a moron.
You are.
Certain members here then started to pile on with insults
and attacks on me.
How the hell did you manage to raise a Marine?
God what a wimp.
I provided links to my current marina (and old marina practicing the
same policy) and you stated last night that you would call them this
morning as you still did not believe me (I think that is where the
moron insult came in).
I still don't. And it was - exactly right.
About the only thing you are right about by the way.
You have posted here this evening so I know you are logged on.
Wow - and a detective along with your many other talents which mainly
revolve taking offense and whining.
Your call big guy. Are you really the type of person you claim to be
or will you wimp out on this after all your chest pounding?
Say what?
You are such an ass.
I await an apology from you and trust it will be coming.
Then you'll wait until hell freezes over because I actually have a
Up until five minutes ago, I had forgotten all about it - it didn't
control my day waiting anxiously to find the answer to the burning
And now, I just may wait until hell freezes over allowing others to
enjoy taking you to the virtual woodshed.
While I'm on a roll, here is what I think about you...
~~ crickets ~~
and your opinons on anything
~~ crickets ~~
and your obvious insecurities and need to be approved of...
~~ man is he screwed up or what? ~~
I'll get an answer when I damn well feel like it now - which means
that you will be sitting all day long, fingers poised above the
keyboard ready to reply only to find that you have nothing to reply
Which will slowly drive you crazy - or at least crazier than you are
now which, let's face it, is fairly crazy - as in Cracker Box Palace
crazy or He Really Should Be Committed crazy. It will be a delicious
picture and I'm really sorry I won't be there to watch your eyes start
to bug out as your blood pressure rises until finally your head
explodes when you figure out that you were, are and always will be
Oh, sorry, forgot to end this in such a way as to hasten the process
of driving you nuts.
You challenged my claim and said you would disprove it.
You insulted me in the process.
Your reply is disturbing to say the least.
I thought better of you Tom.
I now await apologies from all the folks piling on as Tom's claim is
obviously not true.
Too bad he is not man enough to admit it.