Gregg Germain wrote:
Tailgunner wrote:
: I found a place that sells a gross at $20 ($0.07 each). Not much better. I
: thought about bottles (free). But the deck would have to be removed to install
: them. Next year I am thinking of replacing the deck so maybe. They are
: certainly not flammable even with the caps epoxied on.
One has to wonder what happens to the bottles if you put them in
during a chilly spring day, and then the seasons change and it's a 95
degree Summer day.
Or vice versa....if you put them in on a hot day, what happens in
September or October. Do the bottles crush some? Does that imact
Gregg, you're just paying too much attention. 8-)
I honestly don't think it would be that much of a change. Maybe if they were in
direct sunlight they "might" expand. Tell you what, I'll ask one of our scientists
here at work (WHOI) and see what they think and report back.
--- Gregg
"Improvise, adapt, overcome."
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Phone: (617) 496-1558