Sea Ray boat covers
Haas C wrote:
Hi all!
I recently bought my first boat and am loving it! The only problem I
have, and it is a small problem due to my laziness, is that after a
long day of boating I hate snapping on the cover for my boat. I have a
Sea Ray 220 and was wondering if there was a cover i can use that
would cover from bow to stern in one easy motion, instead of snapping
it on? Thanks for any and all feedback!
On a 22' boat? No. There are plenty of different styles and fabrics for
boatcovers for boats that large. In fact, my current boat is about that
large and I have a "pullover" cover that ties with web straps. All the
covers are big, bulky, fairly heavy. It's worse on a center console such
as I have because the console presents a big "hump" if you are trying to
pull the cover on from the ground, outside of the boat.
Some years ago, I had an 18' center console boat on a trailer much lower
than the one I have now, and the covering task was easier, but still a
pain in the butt to handle by oneself. It's a lot easier to get the
cover off and on with a helper.