Circuit breakers/fuses in parallel
On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 01:53:57 GMT, Jere Lull wrote:
On 2008-06-26 08:11:48 -0400, Herodotus said:
I have been looking for a 30 AMP circuit breaker to add to my rebuild
of switch panel on Herodotus.
I had often wondered if two 15 AMP ones in parallel would work and be
equivalent to a single 30 AMP one but thought "No, thats dumb - too
simple a solution"
I wonder about the original premise, as I have a 50 amp breaker. It's
not in the panel, in fact it protects the panel, but they exist. As I
recall, it mounts through a 1/4 or 3/8" hole, a simple push-button.
The shop - Jaycar, a nation wide store in Australia similar to what
Radioshacks used to be like did not had the push buttom type you write
of in 50 AMPs but not in 30 in their rather extensive catalogue.