"Reginald P. Smithers III" "Reggie is Here wrote in message
. ..
JimH wrote:
On May 23, 7:49 pm, JimH wrote:
$3.89/gallon at our marina (Vermilion, OH). It has been that price
since May 9th.
I do not know what diesel or high octane is going for.
I took a friend of mine and his son (USMC Sgt. returning from his 2nd
tour in Iraq) out on the boat this past Thursday. My wife did not
join us as she was doing volunteer work at the Cleveland Animal
Protective League (APL).
Gas price at the marina was at or around $4.44. It was $4.19 last
week so they must have just received a shipment of fuel.
For those who doubt their pricing policy (the price remains the same
until a new shipment is received) you can call the marina.
Romps Water Port.............Vermilion, Ohio. 440-967-4342
I still await an apology from several members here who were wrong in
attacking me when I posted the marina's policy on fuel pricing,
including one who cannot stand to be proved wrong (are you there Tom/
Shortwave/Teafran?) I understand, however, that some who present
themselves as men do not actually have the balls to do so and I will
have to wait till hell freezes over to receive the apology. ;-)
Why do you care if someone apologizes for such a silly thing. Everyone
knows your are living in a dream world about the accounting practices at
your marina, but even if you are correct (yeah, right) why do you care if
someone says "I'm sorry".
I think the problem is you don't have any balls or a cock, and are really
just a girl. You sure act like one.
Now Reggie. You know that Ohio Jim is a highly sensitive guy and his
frequent outbursts of self pity and paranoia will not subside if you
continue pick on him. Shame on you.
PS What's it to you if he acts like a little girl?