John H. wrote:
On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 07:47:50 -0400, "Jim" wrote:
"John H." wrote in message
On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 07:12:41 -0400, "Jim" wrote:
This should appease the gods of civility.
Of course the tone of the issuance of this statement is very important.
Some people might think it means something else.
A paranoid schizo rectal fissure (PSRF) recently tried to permanently
a different definition to (WAFA). Don't let this TURD (self explanatory)
ever try to define our means motives or actions.
Thank you,
Member of the selection committee
As the originator of same, I would agree that you could well be correct.
And even if you're not correct, you're displaying an attitude we should
envy and attempt to emulate.
Happy 4th!!
I have the support of the originator and selection committee chairman.
Thank you John
Just think, if you were a jock, we'd all be jock supporters!
Get it? Jock supporters?
Oh well....
The Circle of Jerks, er, Jocks?