I'm building my first Trimaran...
What materials did you use for the hulls? The skins?
The first layer of skin is composed of plywood and epoxy. After that, and
sanding and making sure the shape is as right as it can be, I'll be putting
fiberglass over it.
I thought about you
the other night while I was watching Nova on PBS. They had a show on
Shackleton, and I thought about you as they were talking about
"seaworthying" the lifeboat for a major ocean crossing.
I saw part of that. Tough trip! I think I changed channels before getting
to the part you're talking about.
They mixed
something with seal's blood to fill the seams to make it somewhat more
secure. Forgot the other ingredient.
I still wish I could find a hardener for natural resins....
Wish you luck with your trimaran! Keep us updated.
Will do! =)