Thread: clamps
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Default clamps

Brian you might as well just forget it. There is a group of people on
this newsgroup that attack anything that doesn't pertain to there own
interests(money making). You can't even post non-commercial sites
because certain people get their crap in a's a losing battle

Brian Blazer wrote:

On 1/2/04 9:38 AM, in article
, "Larry Bud"

Brian Blazer wrote in message
It always happens. You are right in the middle of a project and you find
out that you are short on clamps. So what do you do? You try to figure
out some sort of jerry rig with bailing wire and duct tape to get the
job done.

Annoying spam, but even more annoying is that your home page forwards
you to ANOTHER page, which is annoying because I can't use the BACK
button to exit your site. Tell your web developer he needs to fix
this, cause I sure won't be back.

I am just wondering why you think this is spam? I am not selling you
anything, not trying to get you to sign up for anything. As a matter of
fact, I am not asking anything of you at all. I am only telling you about a
chance to win a dozen free clamps that have no catch whatever.

As far as the re-direct goes, I can hit the back button on any browser I use
and it works just fine (Opera, Safari, Mozilla, Netscape, Firebird,
