An emerging pattern at Chucks place
BAR wrote:
Gene Kearns wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:48:39 -0400, BAR penned the following well
considered thoughts to the readers of
|Gene Kearns wrote:
| Because someone knew, before they asked, that there would be no
| helpful answer. There never HAS been a helpful answer to that question
| and one would reasonably conclude then, as did Chuck, that the asking
| of the question was clearly inflammatory in nature.
|Does said boat in questions exist?
I don't know, nor do I care.
I understand, integrity means nothing to you?
Bertie Robbins, known far and wide as POT-KETTLE-BLACK, and a little
less widely as a member of the Sissyhood of the Seven Dwarfs.