An emerging pattern at Chucks place
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:28:37 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:10:31 -0400, Gene Kearns
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 14:53:49 -0400, BAR penned the following well
considered thoughts to the readers of
|Gene Kearns wrote:
| On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 12:48:39 -0400, BAR penned the following well
| considered thoughts to the readers of
| |Gene Kearns wrote:
| | Because someone knew, before they asked, that there would be no
| | helpful answer. There never HAS been a helpful answer to that question
| | and one would reasonably conclude then, as did Chuck, that the asking
| | of the question was clearly inflammatory in nature.
| |
| |Does said boat in questions exist?
| I don't know, nor do I care.
|I understand, integrity means nothing to you?
After having assessed both sides of this childish, stupid, inane,
decade long discussion of the substance of a Zimmerman like lobster
boat, If you feel it collectively describes adherence to some sort of
code of moral values....... I guess your definition of "integrity" and
mine differ greatly.
That is, unless your are the netcops judge, jury, and executioner.
Then we'd probably need to define authority..... HOWEVER, I'm no more
inclined to join in that ridiculous repartee than I am the one about
some boat, of which I have absolutely NO personal knowledge (and
neither do you). What a wonderfully solid basis for a system of
I suggest you address all of those concerns at
rec.authority.on.integrity.via.the.unkown and leave those interested
boating to fend for themselves, here......
We share the same opinion Gene and I've said it more than once.
Well said my friend.
Most excellent.
The lobsta boat is old news, agreed. Loogy is about the only one using it
now, and he should know better.
However, I hope you'll read my response to Gene. I can't understand why
folks continue to give Harry opportunities to trash the group.
Perhaps if you and your fellow dwarfs spent some time putting up
original boating content posts instead of spending 97% of your time here
insulting those you don't like...
Nah...that will never happen.