Hey there...
I just got that July 4th roll of film developed and scanned a few of the photos
from when we took my old 1975 Sea Star 17' trihull out on Lake Anna, VA.
Here's a nice shot of the lake nearby Lake Anna State Park (off to the right of
the photo) along with a boat pulling someone on a tube.
Here's a view of the nuke plant on Lake Anna. Can't get too close, you know...
Here's my wife and I at the boat, beached in our favorite cove for a bit of
swimming and catching some sun. My wife (in sunglasses) is in the boat getting
stuff out of the cooler. I'm the pudgy looking guy with the goofy grin outside
the boat.
Lastly, here I am at Highpoint Marina getting ready to retrieve the old boat.
My fishing buddy helps tow my boat for me and is lowering the tailer into the
Hope you all have a great time boating!
Butch Ammon