VHF DSC Radio Check
"You" wrote in message
In article ,
"claus" wrote:
.. Tried it again later with a routine
transmission to the "Rescue 21" MMSI number - again no acknowledgement.
and what makes you think that the USCG actually has DSC fitted to ALL
their Remote Site VHF Receivers? USCG Comm Stations rarely have local
receives, and rely on Remote Site and High Site Receivers to provide
Area 1 coverage. the US is far behind, ever other country, in fitting
DSC into their Radio Systems. You should ask your CongressKritter,
why they haven't funded the upgrade for the last DECADE......
Surely, the CG must have DSC receivers in their much ballyhooed "Rescue 21"
system - at least that is what the relevant U.S. Coast Guard web page says,
Benefits to Boaters
Digital Selective Calling
No new equipment is needed for you to benefit from Rescue 21. The new
system will increase the Coast Guard's ability to respond to distress calls
in the coastal zone. However, you can help us improve response time by using
a marine-band VHF-radio equipped with digital selective calling (DSC). If
properly registered with a Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number
and interfaced with GPS or Loran, the DSC radio signal transmits vital
vessel information, position, and the nature of distress (if entered) at the
push of a button. In an emergency, with one push of a button, your DSC radio
will send an automated digital distress alert containing your MMSI number
and position to other DSC-equipped vessels and rescue facilities. DSC will
provide a quicker and more accurate response by the Coast Guard."