hk wrote:
Bull****. Savannah's airport handles all types of heavy passenger
aircraft, and is quite busy because of military bases in the area.
When I want the opinion of an uneducated, semi-literate idiot, I'll let
you know. I flew into Savannah recently, and have done so about a half
dozen times. It's a dinky airport.
Savannah, though, is a very nice city.
Ohhhh, now I understand what you are looking for in a city. A city with
really big airport buildings. I thought you meant an airport that was
serviced on a regular basis by large planes. Savannah can handle and
has regular service by carriers using 727 etc, but the airport building
themselves are not as big as Atlanta, Chicago or NYC. You really do
have unique requirements for places to live. How big is the airport in
Costa Rica?