Carp Pedicures in Alexandria, VA
On Jul 22, 11:45*am, HK wrote:
BAR wrote:
Uh, Savannah isn't a "minor regional airport". It's an international
airport. Just because your local airport of choice isn't serviced
well, doesn't mean that Savannah is a minor regional airport.
And, US Airways, not express offers non-stop to Washington Reagan, and
there are many major airlines that can get you there with a change of
planes, non of which are puddle jumpers, but common carrier aircraft.
If Gulfstream wasn't headquartered in Savannah that airport wouldn't
support much more than a Cessna 182.
I've flown into and out of the airport serving Savannah at least a half
dozen times over the years. It's a small "regional" airport, not the
smallest or crummiest, just small.
I don't understand why the two Georgian troll brothers,
Loogy-between-the-Ears and Repulsive-Putrid-Schitt, are working so hard
to defend the airport. It serves its market and if it were a lot larger,
it would just encourage more growth in that part of the state. That's no
One would hope it would never become another Atlanta airport, which gets
my vote for the worst large airport in the United States. It exists as
it is only for the convenience of the airlines, and once you are there,
if you are not changing planes, where are you? In Atlanta. Puke.
I work hard when I fly to avoid the Atlanta airport.
I'm not trying to defend any airport! I'm just stating facts, I know,
facts don't mean anything to you. What don't you like about Atlanta
Hartsfield? You do know it's one of the most user friendly large
airports in the country, don't you? You also do know that the Atlanta
area is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. don't you? What
is it specifically that you don't like about Atlanta? Is it the
abundant history here that bothers you? Is it the great museums? Is it
because it's considered the big apple of the south because of it's
nightlife, theaters and arts, abundance of fine dining, what?