GeoffSchultz wrote:
I have a ProSine 2.0 inverter/charger which is a piece of crap, to put
it mildly. I've replaced the thing, under warranty, at least 4
times. Now it's dying again and it's out of warranty, so I need to
replace it again. *&^*!@
From what I understand, Xantrex owns the majority of inverter/charger
companies and is constructing their products in China. I've had
multiple people suggest to me that Chinese assembly is a major issue.
As a result I want to replace it with something that isn't made by a
Xantrex based company.
Does anyone have any suggestions for an inverter/charger which is
hopefully made in the US? I'm looking for 2000 watts inverting and
100+A charging 12V.
-- Geoff
An article in this month's Circuit Cellar about living and working "off
the grid" (which is pretty close to home here) discussed this one.
Call for the "down under" price ?!?
(remove the X to email)