You've Been 'Loogied'
If you are one of the Seven Dwarfs, you're now in the new, vastly
improved "bozo bin," which means that if you are directing
your "bons mots" towards me, you are wasting your time and effort. I
don't see your diarrhea or your high-fiving the diarrhea of the other
members of your group.
Oh. It really doesn't matter how many times you change your ID, either.
We gotcha from the get-go.
I must say, when you totally eliminate the diarrhea from loogy, reggie,
dk, herring, florida jim, et cetera, it sure as hell cuts down on the
number of posts here.
And it smells better in here, too.
So, go ahead, fellas, post away on how you abuse your children, play
your game of golf, take your diaper cruises, affix your anchor line
roller so the line cuts into the rubrail, and buy your boat name letters
on the cheap of the of the cheap so you can affix them themselves and
have a nice, crooked, misaligned presentation.