TF Jones wrote about a tortured ply kayak made of thin marine plywood. He
said he would not want to hit anything with it. Canoe and kayak plans
often call for plywood thinner than 1/4". They are metric marine plywood
sizes with which I am not familiar.
I've made my three small aboats out of 1/5" (5.22 mm?) underlayment
plywood, lauan and virola. The lauan weighs 17 lb per sheet, the vriola
only 8.5 lb. Two boats are kept inside the garage when not in use and are
doing fine. I don't expect he one (virola) kept outside to last as long. I
wouldn't recommend the virola for longevity. There is info on the boats on
my website.
William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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