The three stooges
I'm done..
Well, this is the third time I've seen that threat. Make sure its for
real this time, twit.
I gave both of them a chance to man up,
This coming from a Coward is rich !!!
but I respect any man that will say it to my face,
So he said it in person? I'll call that BULL****. You said you were
coming up to my area, and I've seen nothing of your shadow yet.
Once I get this reader down I won't have to worry about it anymore
You like to fantasize, dont you ****head? Is there a puppet on you
hand, and are you talking to it? List someone elses website, too. I'm
sure they'd be impressed as well.
and wafa and I are on equal ground as we have exchanged personal
You're STILL standing in a hole next to HK...twit.