Under deck foam soaked; solutions?
Father in law's boat is fiberglass with self bailing deck. Has leaked water
under that deck for years and now the boat is carrying substantial extra
weight. I have pumped all the water I can out of the built in fuel tank
well, but there seems to be no easy way to get to the foamed under deck
area. There are access plates (6" round) , but these are located to give
access ot the fuel connections and gauge.
The boat's weight is so great now that it has bent the 5/8" roller axles on
the trailer and poked a hole in the hull bottom with the broken roller. I
left that open for a time until the ooze of dirty water stopped, but did not
get much out.
There is no bilge plug or drain, because the bilge area is totally filled
with foam.
Any ideas about getting this water out? I have a few, but would like to
hear from others.