Under deck foam soaked; solutions?
"DSK" wrote in message
This is not entirely a joking answer, the best way to solve the problem is
haul it to the landfill and buy another boat.
It is, in fact, the only pragmatic solution, assuming he values his time and
is concerned about the general seaworthiness and safety of the boat. In
good condition, the boat has a very modest value. Sunbird was always at the
bottom of the OMC food chain, similar to Brunswick's Bayliner, and it likely
has an OMC stern drive power package, further lowering its value. In its
current condition, the value is close to zero, perhaps less when disposal
costs are factored. If it's an outboard, the motor could have some economic
value. Either way, there is no way it would ever make economic sense to
restore that boat to seaworthy condition. He would be better off purchasing
a used 17' runabout of just about any manufacturer, including Bayliner, in
decent condition. Get out on the water and have some fun. That Sunbird
only offers grief and misery, both in the short term and long term.