John H. wrote:
On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 22:42:08 -0400, "Earl of Warwich, Duke of Cornwall,
Marquies of Anglesea, Sir Reginald P. Smithers III Esq. LLC, STP. "
"round hear, we draw the line at 2nd cuzins but I got lucky an'
married a yankee who likes what I like ('cept she doesnt like
greens). My yank in-laws would be ok if they'd just learn to cook.
Just tell them to add salt back to the vegetables and then overcook them
till you can't tell what they are. 
Nope, bacon. Lot's of bacon. And onions, and garlic, and some Frank's Red
Hot sauce, or whatever they call it these days.
Southerns have never found a dish that was not improved with the
addition of some form of pork.
If you like Frank's Red Hot, you would LOVE Crystal Hot Sauce. Better
flavor than Frank's and the same mild heat.