On Aug 11, 10:53*am, "Earl of Warwich, Duke of Cornwall, Marquies of
Anglesea, Sir Reginald P. Smithers III Esq. LLC, STP. "
On Aug 11, 9:50 am, hk wrote:
Dang, we got indoor plumbing again. *As y'all know, our well went out
just as soon as we got into cleaning a bunch of scallops. *Nobody'd
fix it on a weekend so we all went to Wacissa Spring for swimming
yesterday. *Finally got a guy to come out and install a new relay. *I
coulda done it myself but my wife insisted I get somebody to do it so
I wouldnt screw up my back again. However, with a messed up back, I
couldnt bury the scallop guts deep enough and the dogs got into em.
As an honorary redneck, when I lived in Florida, I went fishing a lot,
several times a week, in fact, and when I cleaned the fish, I had to
find a place to get rid of the guts and such. One of our neighbors was a
Filipina, married to a retired Navy chief. She loved fish, he did not.
So I always gave her some of my catch. After a while, she asked what I
did with the fish heads, because she wanted them...for soup.
Dan, her husband, wouldn't go near that soup, because, he said, he
didn't like fish eyeballs staring at him out of a bowl.
Anyway, to get back to what you posted, I would bury the remainder of
the guts in my wife's garden in the back yard. Our soil was very sandy,
so it was easy enough to dig deep enough holes so the critters wouldn't
get to the guts. Improved the garden, too.
We had city water, but a well for lawn watering. Dug with high pressure
water, hit the water table about 20' below the surface. That was strange
to me...never saw anything like that up north in Yankeeville.
"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade
and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion,
regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts
to weaken or undermine that right."
Most places in Florida, decent water (the Florida Aquafer) is down
around 80 feet.
In western NY state, wells hardly ever need to be deeper than 25 feet
in the valleys, and even on most hills.
My problem with all water along the SE coast is they are way to soft and
you can taste and actually smell the limestone. *The water in Myrtle
Beach has got to the worst water I have ever tasted, and it is
impossible to completely rinse off in the shower.
On the other hand, NYC has the best tasting water in the world. * 
Which is why they have the best tasting pizza.- Hide quoted text -
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I Florida, you can get water and not be in the aquafer, but it is
nasty. Believe it or not, you can even get into pockets of Iron water.
It'll stain your toilet in a couple of days! I had a friend who owned
a well drilling company in Florida.