An obvious case of injustice.
AndDave wrote:
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:51:12 -0700, Alan Gomes said:
I dunno. Maybe if he had been sober he would have realized he should have
had his navigation lights on.
There were witnesses at the scene who said they were, in fact, on.
And others who said they weren't.
Were you at the trial to see who looked like he was lying? I wasn't. That's
why we have jurors. And why we shouldn't encourage lawyers to try their
cases in the press.
And, as I said in the rest of what I wrote, it's hard to see how Perdock
should not receive at least *some* (I would say MOST) of the blame, even
if the guy had no running lights on at all and even if the helmsman was
completely passed out drunk. Driving a boat at 40+ mph at night with
limited visibility is ipso facto reckless. Minimally, there appears to
be blame to go around here, with (IMO) the lion's share of it going to
the recklessly speeding powerboat.