Mercrusier ignition power feed problem
On Aug 18, 6:15*pm, Larry W wrote:
I'm working on a Merc 3.0 that doesn't have 12 volts, with the key on, at the
purple wire (#5 pin) at the main connector behind the engine.
The ignition switch is fine. Seems like a broken wire between the main connector
and the ignition switch.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't run a new wire from the ignition terminal on
the key switch to the #5 connector pin that feeds the coil/choke/alt.
Thanks for any help
Check at the kill switch. Also there may be another harness connector
under the dash. As these connectors age they sometimes develop
corrsosion. So you might pull them apart and wirebrush the male
pins. Then plug and unplug them a few times to clean the female
side. A few wiring scenarios also have an oil pressure switch in the
circuit but that's rare.
If you have to run a new wire make sure you include the kill switch.
Otherwise the answer is yes.