B. One Head - ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR, STU, VWX, YZ wrote:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:04:12 -0400, "Eisboch"
Let's see - no voting record as a State Senator from Illinois, no
record of accomplishments as a "community organizer", no scholarly
articles as a "constitutional scholar" while Professor of
Constitutional Law, no written opinions while Chief of Harvard Law
Review, refuses to release his birth records, refuses to release his
dissertation, refuses to release any of his academic records, will not
release his records from his work with Bill Ayers, known American
terrorist, while at the Annenberg Foundation, known associate of a
Chicago "developer" and possible Mob money launderer and finally, a
liar about his involvement in government sponsored infanticide and has
no voting record beyond earmark legislation as a US Senator and
infanticide and will not debate his opponent in an open forum for fear
of showing just how empty that suit really is.
That's up against a very public record, genuine war hero, genuine
political bipartisian, man of unuanced principle, valor and honor and
a 26 year record that's well documented including legislation of
import and impact.
You wonder why?
John McCain. Flip-flopper, panderer, lost his bipartisanship a long time
ago, and is now a Bush suck up, man of questioned principles, war record
irrelevant. Oh, and four more years of Buschitt.