Adler-Barbour Cold Machine voltage range.
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Bruce in Bangkok[_8_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 20
Adler-Barbour Cold Machine voltage range.
In article ,
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 01:22:37 +0000, Larry wrote:
Richard Lane wrote in :
I have a 1982 SFV-1 unit with 16' between the compressor and evaporator
and have just rewired it with 10AWG.
The manual states that the unit shuts down for 10.5v at the terminals
and will restart at 11.5v. Is the 11.5v measured just before the 7.6A
starting current flows or while it is flowing and therefore causing a
further 400mv drop in my case?
After its running.....
By the way, this wonderful piece of technology is the rhythmic buzzing
sound in a regular, very annoying pattern ONLY on Channel 16 where it will
cause the most interference....
bzzzt....bzzt....bzztbzztbzzt.........(repeats every 3 seconds or so)
Took me a while to figure out where the damned noise I couldn't squelch out
was coming from. Shut off the fridge's 12V....noise gone.
Consider yourself VERY lucky if you can't hear it. Check your antenna and
VHF range, just to make sure it's working!
We never got rid of that little bzzzt noise. You cannot shield it out.
It seems to me that if you connect a capacitor from hot to ground, any
AC bzzzt would be shunted to ground without affecting the DC. Of
course if the bzzzt is airborn, this might not help.
I have one of these devices, mounted under the aft cockpit floor
approximately 6 feet from the VHF. The VHF antenna lead runs forward
from the transceiver to the mast and up the mast to the antenna.
Never heard a bit of noise on any channel in nearly ten years.
Bruce in Bangkok
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Bruce in Bangkok[_8_]
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