Long boat trips
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One big reason I like my Tolman (20' Tolman Skiff) is that it appeals
to my seriously short attention span. I have been cruising in my
sailboat several times and after 4 days I am getting bored no matter
how nice the place is. After a week I really want to get back to work
and after two weeks really nuts. I tried cruising where I leave her
at a marina for a couple weeks and return later but that gets insanely
expensive because they want to charge by the day unless I stay for a
month which is too long between trips.
The Tolman makes places far from here reachable because I can trailer
her to near my destination and then cruise for a few days. This is
why I was excited about taking the Tolman to Bimini or Tortugas, It
would not take so long to get to Ft Lauderdale cuz I could trailer
her. Taking the sailboat to the Keys will be insanely expensive
paying by the month for a slip there.
It always seems to take about a day at least once I get somewhere in
the sailboat to get her situated in a slip so I lose that day too.
Most of this time is spent simply finding a slip.
Anybody have any solutions?
Yow the Tolman with the sailboat. Make a smaller Tolman that can be
strapped to the deck of the sailboat. Then use the sailboat as a base and
use the skiff for exploring.