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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 7,892
Anything good on TV tonight?
On Aug 26, 5:52*pm, JimH wrote:
On Aug 26, 5:46*pm, hk wrote:
JimH wrote:
On Aug 26, 5:39 pm, HK wrote:
JimH wrote:
On Aug 26, 5:00 pm, hk wrote:
Calif Bill wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
Calif Bill wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
Calif Bill wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:43:53 -0400, TJ wrote:
hk wrote:
You're hopeless. What are the Republicans going to do to help you
resolve your health issues?
Here's the answer:
But you concern yourself with your false little issues, fella.
That's what's important to you.
And how are the Democrats going to pay for helping me with my health
issues, hmmm? I'm still waiting for an answer from you on that one,
but I think I know what it is. They'll do it by picking my pocket
through additional taxes, probably for more than my health insurance
is costing me now.
Still looking for a little substance,
We are already paying for the best health care system in the world.
just aren't getting what we are paying for. We don't need more money,
we just need to spend it on a system that works. We can take care of
everybody with excellent care for about what we are spending right
on health care that helps just a portion of the population. We have
fix the health care system itself. I believe that is the Democrat's
Now you've done've let the cat out of the bag! *Dammit!
From Obama's site:
Barack Obama's Plan
Quality, Affordable and Portable Coverage for All
* * * Obama's Plan to Cover Uninsured Americans: Obama will make
available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the
self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage
that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress.. The
Obama plan will have the following features:
Based on Medicare program? *Lower overhead, as they pay 95% of the
claims and do not check for fraud? *My fishing partner was an
investigator for the state AG, on MediCal fraud. *When they found
fraud, it usually also included Medicare fraud. *They turn info over to
the Feds and Nada was done.
Yup, snerk on your program.
Please, Bilious, you obviously have no understanding of Barack's
proposals, and it shows every time you post your nonsense. You've already
got stupid need to waste any more effort trying to prove it.
Try reading Barack's proposals and then offer criticism that makes sense
on the overall concepts, not something your fishing buddy told you about.
Why don't you paraphrase his plans for us. *Is plans so far are about like
Kerry's I have a plan, plan. * Tax the windfall profits of Exxon to give
everybody a $1000 check. *Lets figure that is 3 years of Exxons profit. *The
governments now gets 3 times Exxons profit in taxes. *They going to increase
those also? *Add an extra $30 billion in taxes, how much do you think gas
will cost a gallon then? *Stupid is your middle name.
Why don't you just go to and click on the appropriate
icon and read it for yourself.
I tried. I went to
First I was asked to register with my name, email address and zip
Yep, one can easily get around that by giving false I
So.........after doing so I was sent to a page asking for
contributions and asking me to watch a video (propaganda).............
Sorry...........not the way I do business. *Be upfront about your
plans, proposed programs and facts about your campaign...........if
you cannot do that you are not my type of candidate.
Gee, that doesn't happen when I log on there. On the upper right of the
site is a box that sez SKIP DONATION, go right to website. Once there,
click on issues. Scroll down to health care.
No donations, no names, no video.
Sorry but it happened the first time I logged onto
You must have already registered, which then takes you to his plea to
donate to him.
Not registered there or on any other candidate's site.
So let's assume you are calling me a liar and my initial experience
with his website (the one you posted) never
Why would his initial page beg...err..........ask for a contribution
to his campaign instead of bringing you directly to his home page?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Damn, this lover's spat is getting good!!!!