Good job!!!
Eisboch wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
. ..
Eisboch wrote:
My pet peeve about performances of the Star Spangled Banner, especially
singers, is when this line is almost always screwed up:
"Oh say, does that star spangled banner yet wave?"
The screw ups do "B-a-n-n-e-r" as if the notes in the music score were
climbing up and down a ladder.
The correct music score is "Ba-" then to the higher note and down with
I can't help to listen for this everytime I hear someone singing it at
ballgames, etc. Most screw it up and sing it wrong.
It's a tough sing. Some weeks ago here I suggested "God Bless America"
would be a better national anthem for many reasons, not the least of which
is that it is "singable." Naturally, the low-brain-outputers objected in
their usual way.
Tough sing or not, all it takes is a little effort to learn and do it
properly. It's not just amateurs. Many professional performers do it
I know it's a minor, stupid thing, but it really ****es me off.
Well, perhaps you should fund a private foundation that sponsors singing
lessons for those who want to take on the anthem. :)
No way, no how, no McCain!