McCain up by 2 ;)
On Aug 28, 8:41*am, "Earl of Warwich, Duke of Cornwall, Marquies of
Anglesea, Sir Reginald P. Smithers III Esq. LLC, STP. "
hk wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
news:dtmdnW4FMIWtDivVnZ2dnUVZ_q3inZ2d@comcast. com...
Hillary was absolutely masterful, Bill was damned good, Biden was
good and will get much better as he adapts to his new speechwriters..
I am surprised you are not upset about Biden showing off his
Why? It's traditional and appropriate at that moment- the end of the
speech at a convention - for the candidate's family to appear on
stage. Besides, Biden, especially, has a compelling family story, as
I am sure you know.'re a Republican...what's your guess on the veep nom?
Wrong, ballot-breath. * *I am a registered nothing, *consider myself
an Independent, although certainly admit to right leaning tendencies
on most issues. *In some areas though, I am probably as liberal as
you. *gasp
I have a bit of a hang-up about the concept of being a "registered"
member of any political party. *Doing so tends to make one accept and,
by default, support platform issues that one otherwise may not be in
agreement with. Lemmings. * We saw that during the Dem's convention. *
Compromises of principles by all for the "common good" of the party. *
Past differences forgotten. * *Nope, not for me.
I vote for the person who I think will best serve the best interests
of the USA in national and international issues, not for the one who
will best forward a political party's agenda, developed through
political compromise and back room deals.
You don't have to be "registered" to be a Republican or a Democrat. If
you vote mostly Republican, you are a Republican. You vote mostly
Republican, I am sure, especially for President.
I am a registered Democrat. I haven't read through a Democratic party
platform document in decades, probably not since 1970. I have no idea
what is in this year's "platform," and I couldn't care less. My father
in law is a lifelong registered Republican. I haven't asked him, but I
suspect he has never ever read a GOP party platform document.
I think you completely missed the point that Eisboch was making.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Really, I am registered repub, but have voted for more Democrats for
pres, than repubs.. First off, I am an American...