McCain up by 2 ;)
Eisboch wrote:
"hk" wrote in message
Eisboch wrote:
I vote for the person who I think will best serve the best interests of
the USA in national and international issues, not for the one who will
best forward a political party's agenda, developed through political
compromise and back room deals.
You don't have to be "registered" to be a Republican or a Democrat. If you
vote mostly Republican, you are a Republican. You vote mostly Republican,
I am sure, especially for President.
In the past, I've voted both. I voted for Carter once and I voted for
Clinton once.
Does that surprise you?
So, I don't consider myself a Republican or a Democrat. I simply vote for
one or the other, depending on my modest judgement of who will best serve
the national interests of the USA.
One of the attractive qualities of Obama .... in fact maybe the *only*
attractive quality .... is that a President Obama would probably be better
equipped to salvage and repair our image abroad at the moment. Not to be
pandering to forgein opinion, but in this day and age respect of the USA by
others is important to our national interests, economy and security. I
realize that and it's an important issue. Bush's policies, right or wrong,
have pretty much demolished any international respect.
On the other hand, Russia is flexing it's muscles again, taking full
advantage of our current weaknesses and lack of international support.
That also has me a bit concerned. I don't think academic diplomacy alone
will nip it.
The office of POTUS is more about leadership in a global environment than it
is about detailed social policies at home, IMO.
There are other bodies of elected representatives (Congress) that should be
doing their job.
As for McCain's VP pick? I really don't know. A couple of weeks ago I
was thinking it would be Romney for sure, but I have a hunch that we may be
in for a surprise.
Whatever Russia does, there's nothing in McCain's resume that indicate
he will be equipped to deal with it.
No way, no how, no McCain!