CAFE standards for boats
hk wrote:
JimH wrote:
On Aug 28, 4:55 pm, John H wrote:
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:32:48 -0700 (PDT), JimH wrote:
On Aug 28, 1:43 pm, BAR wrote:
hk wrote:
Hmmm, interesting idea. Perhaps a gas guzzler tax for those whose
boats fail too since boats are ussually luxury
Some sort of rationing is not a bad idea. It is at least worthy of
serious discussion by the next administration in open forums.
Are there any limits on what will be rationed?
Be careful rationing is a slippery slope to total control of the
Doing a little sucking up, Jimmie? You probably ought to stick to
Most everyone else can see through you. Krause can too, but it's
for him not to.
Agreeing with someone and not getting nasty is sucking up in your
Herring is a slime. Always has been, always will be.
Herring has something you will never have and that is a presidential
Rationing certainly should be discussed during any Energy Policy for the
United States meetings the Obama administration holds next year, and so
should every other idea, and those meetings should and will be open to
the public and its representatives.
Why stop with energy. Why not ration housing, food, clothing, health
care. Why not just determine who is worthy and who is not worthy of
attending the best schools. The Soviet Union did this and look at how
well it worked out for them.
Everything should be discussed openly. Further, the Senate and House
should hold open hearings on all energy issues except those that
specifically relate to real national security matters.
Representative Jefferson, D-La., should be brought up on ethics charges
in an open session of the full house. The first questions should be
where did the $90K you were storing in your freezer come from.