On Aug 29, 11:48*am, wrote:
On Aug 29, 11:45*am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 11:37 am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 11:22 am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 11:07 am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 10:50 am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 10:37 am, hk wrote:
On Aug 29, 10:09 am, John H wrote:
...looks like they've already teamed up!
Putin fits in well with the type of people Obama looks up to.. His
"political mentor" is in trouble now for calling a fellow African
American an "uncle tom". I can't see how folks can fall into line with
his recent changes (since beating Billary) in stands.. His history is
clear, he is a Black Nationalist, and a radical leftist who through
his association has proven he has no lines when it comes to his
political dealings..
Ahhh...had your daily shot of Limbaugh, eh?
What is dishonest about the type of folks Obama has been playing with
for the last thirty years. Did you notice in his little movie last
night, they did not talk about his college days up to his run for
pres? There is a good reason for that, he hangs with folks who hate
America, just like he and his wife do....
Oh? Who did Obama hang out with at Columbia and Harvard? Can you provide
a list? Who did his wife hang out with at Princeton and Harvard? Got a
list?- Hide quoted text -
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Not on hand, but they sure didn't want to talk about it.. Why don't
you make one up for us?
Not on hand or anywhere else. Yet another JustWait factoid you blew out
of your butt.- Hide quoted text -
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Why did they so carefully aviod those years? His education is not
You really need to get your head out of the toilet of fox news. There
have been kazillions of news stories about the college choices and
experiences of Mr. and Mrs. Obama.- Hide quoted text -
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Nothing to do with Fox news, in fact right now I have CNN on..Either
way, answer the question, why did the Obama campaign avoid those
years? Only one reason, there are too many things to hide there. He is
a militant, he hangs with militants, he will be a vindictive
President, just as Pelosi and Reid are no with the do nothing but
investigate congress...
Check back in when you get a clue. You're raising pointless points.- Hide quoted text -
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Can't take the heat huh? I will leave you to your bull**** babble
The heat??? Of what? Your ignorance? Hehehehe. *d.f.- Hide quoted text -
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No, the heat of a direct question...- Hide quoted text -
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Isn't it amazing how Harry tries to get people here to think he's
quite special, so sophisticated, worldly, cultured etc. then in the
same breath call people third grade like names and give out petty
insults like a low life moron?