On Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:40:29 -0700 (PDT), "
On Sep 4, 11:09*am, wrote:
Well, Skip is sailing a weird course. It's beginning to look like the
diagram of a complex math problem....
If the weather is nice maybe he's just gone out for a day sail... In
any case given Skip's propensity for reporting we're unlikely to be
left guessing for long 
-- Tom.
It now looks like he is headed over towards Greenport or Dering
Harbor. Greenport would be an interesting stop for them. Nice place to
walk around.
I'm sure we'll get a F- U - L- L report. G
.... I just checked and the new position shows him entering Sterling
Basin, which is next to Greenport. I hope he hasn't mistaken Greenport
Dock Marine for the Greeport Town Dock, which I mentioned to him.
Greenport Dock Marine builds docks. The Town Dock is way over on the
other side of Greenport from Sterling Basin.
There aren't any "inexpensive" options in Sterling Basin.
I'll hold off hitting send on this post for a few minutes to see if
the track updates again.
3:03 PM - He's headed back out of Sterling.
Round and round and round he goes... where he stops, nobody knows!