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Jim Conlin
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Default Anchoring engine hoses

I recollect that nylon's melting point is above 400 degrees, so if you've
melted a nylon cable tie, a lot of bad things have already happened.
There are rubber-lined metal clamps that i'd prefer. Ancor makes 'em. They
have a larger contact surface with the clampee and are therefore less subject
to chafing.

Lloyd Sumpter wrote:

I'm adding domestic hot-water heating to my new engine and it calls for
the 5/8" hoses to go from the front of the engine down and around to the
back. Normally I'd use cable-ties to hold the hoses in place, but wouldn't
the engine get too hot for the plastic? Should I use wire? Are there
things made specifically for this?

I'm concerned the vibration of the engine will eventually wear through
the hoses...

Lloyd Sumpter
"Far Cove" Catalina 36: