Couple of points - watch out for air locks - be careful where you run
the hoses - the hoses should only rise from the engine connections to
the hot water tank connections - no down runs - this automatically
bleeds any air into the tank. Second - use whatever lengths of cheap
car heater hose (unslit 3/4 or 7/8 whatever is needed) as sacrificial
cover over the hose runs to protect from unseen vibration wearing the
pressured hot water hoses. A couple of cable ties will last forever,
unless screwing to a bulkhead is an option.
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 10:43:00 -0800, "Lloyd Sumpter"
I'm adding domestic hot-water heating to my new engine and it calls for
the 5/8" hoses to go from the front of the engine down and around to the
back. Normally I'd use cable-ties to hold the hoses in place, but wouldn't
the engine get too hot for the plastic? Should I use wire? Are there
things made specifically for this?
I'm concerned the vibration of the engine will eventually wear through
the hoses...
Lloyd Sumpter
"Far Cove" Catalina 36: