BCC ) writes:
I need to open a big tube of 5200 for a small job because I need
mahogany color - and won't use it again for a while - how can I extend
the life - maybe put in the freezer?
I don't use 5200 but for other substances that come in tubes I save the
"empty" tubes to cut open and dig out the dregs for small jobs.
For removing plugs from nozzels I find a wood screw usually works. It's
the first thing I try before attacking the plug with a piece of stiff wire
(clothes hanger or bicylce spoke) or a nail.
One problem I've found plugging some nozzels with a nail is the nail can rust
and discolour the contents of the tube near the nozzel. I'm probably
thinking of latex house caulk here.
William R Watt National Capital FreeNet Ottawa's free community network
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