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William Andersen[_2_] William Andersen[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Apr 2008
Posts: 7
Default navigation light dilemma

I suspect the green lens has been changed to blue by years of exposure to
sunlight. Nav lights are cheap and you might even be lucky enough to find
one that will fit the existing mounting holes in your hull.

"Mike" wrote in message
On Sep 24, 4:47?pm, jim wrote:
lyle wrote:
hello all, ?I have a 1965 Glasspar Avalon that came factory with red
and blue navigation lenses. ?Any one know the story behind this? ?any
theories or explanation will be greatly appreciated.

The sun has magically turned the green lens blue

Well, in the past 43 years we have all changed a bit. It's always
been red and green for nav lights, blue lights are for law
enforcement and that is recent. Time to buy a new nav light, probably
be impossible to find replacement lenses given the age of the boat
though you might look at your local boat supply stores.