recommendation for boat building books
The John Gardner books 'Wooden Boats to Build and Use', 'Classic Small Craft
you can build', 'The Dory Book' and others are excellent for small (more or
less) traditionally built boats.
For the glued lapstrake method, I highly recommend Iain Oughtred's 'Clinker
Plywood Boatbuilding Manual'. Tom Hill's 'Ultralight Boatbuilding' is a good
For small strip composite canoes, Ted Moores' 'Canoecraft' is excellent,
For very simple (and very clever) plywood boats, the books by Phil Bolger and
Dymnamite Payson are good.
michele wrote:
I have a boyfriend who enjoys building boats very much, and I'm
interested in purchasing a nice boat building book for his upcoming
birthday. Can anybody suggest a book regarding boat building that he
would like?
I don't care about price. He already has George Beuhler's Guide to
Backyard Boat Building, so I can't buy him that. However, other
insightful suggestions would be great.
Thank you. - michele