[Default] I missed the Staff Meeting but the Minutes record that
Gunner Asch reported Elvis on Sat, 04
Oct 2008 00:23:13 -0700 in misc.survivalism :
On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 15:46:28 -0400, Boater
Curly Surmudgeon wrote:
On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 15:27:53 +0000, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:13:58 -0400, Cliff fixed me with a beady eye, and
foamed wildly:
"Palin, A Journalism Major, Can't Name A News Source She Reads" " ..
the type of befuddled responses that had even conservatives scratching
their heads ..."
Now that was NASTY !!
She reads *all* of them! Every single one on the planet. It's a wonder she
has time for anything but reading, in fact. Never mind her job -- eating
and sleeping go by the board, too. Just reads 24/7, except when she has to
give a speech or an incoherent interview. She's a marvel, truly.
Heh. Back in the early 80's I read an electronic engineering trade
journal that said something to the extent that if an engineer began
reading every trade journal in this field 40 hours per week then on
December 31st they'd be 4.5 years behind.
Palin gets the Cliffs Notes version of the Wasilla Weekly Genital,
official organ of Alaskan women too dumb to take the pill.
Bloated gets the Anal Observer, the weekly newspaper from the San Fran
Bay area, a gay periodical telling them how to have safe sex.
Does he get the text only version, or the "graphic novel" format?
(I used to have contacts from the Bay Area "alternative lifestyle "
pyotr filipivich
The two oldest cliches in the book are "The Good Old Days were
better." and "After all, these are Modern TImes."