On Sat, 4 Oct 2008 20:26:51 -0700, "Mike" wrote:
"Canuck57" wrote in message
"Boater" wrote in message
. ..
...why he will be going more negative...
Things are as they are. And cannot be otherwise.
The McCain campaign has been trying to tamper with that, and now they are
finding out their Karma sucks.
McCain's military background and years in a POW compound are not
I will trust a former POW than a arabic sounding name any day. Plus, I
like his chose of a VP. A normal person with nrmal issues making it to
the the second spot, that is progress. Representation by the people for
the people. Sure beats some legal mubo jumbo in someones pocket type.
He at least knows what he is sending troups into.
The "surge" is not relevant.
What is relevant is judgment, the economy, health care, and plans to
help Americans relocate the middle class. On those issues, McCain
And that's a shout out for ya!
Does not mater who gets the presidential election, they have a huge
liberal-congress created problem to deal with. It is called cheap credit
by over leveraging the banking system. Now the welchers want a free lunch
on main street.
USSR - United States Socialist-Banking Republic.
Brought to you by the liberals of the "Money for nothing and the chicks
for free..." generation.
Why do you even bother trying to debate him? Most of us here have stopped
contact with him completely. He's a nutcase.
One thing he did though, is convince me to vote for McCain. I cannot in good
conscience vote for anyone that harry the nutjob supports... and I'm a
democrat. He's a HUGE asset to his party. LOL
He is a hero. More to come.
John H.