Sunday, October 05, 2008
By Nathan Diebenow, Don M. Fisher, W. Leon Smith
We Trust Obama
2008 Presidential Endorsement
So, how’s that free market economy working for you?
This time four years ago, The Lone Star Iconoclast, as the hometown
newspaper for President George W. Bush, endorsed Sen. John Kerry for
president. Back then, we wholeheartedly believed Kerry would restore
order to the chaos of the previous Bush term. Now, we feel called to
return for a moment from exile near Crawford, Texas, to witness
another presidential election and throw our two cents in...
We trust Sen. Barack Obama to be our next President of the United
But we disagree on so many of his issue positions. For instance, we
want our troops out of the Middle East now. We think stronger wages —
for all workers foreign and domestic living in America — should
replace all future "free trade" agreements. We will support "clean
coal" only when Al Gore uses his teeth to pick up the clean end of a
dog turd. And we believe that this country needs to accept that Ronald
Reagan was a complete idiot.
Still, we trust Obama.
Why? The junior senator from Illinois has shown us that it is not the
world that must change. America must change. For decades, we have
listened to money lenders like Alan Greenspan as if we wanted to
return to those Paleolithic days before Joseph’s "Seven Years of
Plenty and Famine." The next president must do more than let Jesus
take the wheel; he must be willing to throw the free market money
changers out of the temple.
Obama has paid his dues.
Given the state of our political system, Obama has still inspired
citizens young and old and across religious and ethnic lines during
his long-fought campaign. Nobody experienced this phenomenon better
than us Texans during our hotly-contested primary season. Any
political party would die for that kind of organization, drive, and
commitment. Thanks to him, this next election will attract more voters
than ever before.
Obama believes in you.
From what we’ve seen of him, Obama cares about his family and their
well-beings. He listens to his opponents and struggles with them to
find common ground. He strongly believes that America is at her best
when she helps her neighbors get ahead. So for him, this election is
not about him. It’s about you. How are you? Are you happy? How is your
family? How is work? Are you living better than you were four or eight
years ago?
Vote Obama.
We will enter our voting booths justified on Nov. 4 by asking
ourselves "Who do I trust?" Obama’s opponents share the same
qualities: anger, cynicism, desperation, and disrespect. Obama has
shown us that he is taking a chance at losing this election to earn
our trust and share future prosperity among us. He believes that those
who receive the greatest material benefit from America should bear the
greatest burden of maintaining her.
Stay vigilant.
The future of America is, as it has always been, in the hands of its
citizenry. We would not have it any other way. It makes life more
interesting — freakier — even with Barack Obama in the White House.
Still, the hounds of fascism are always awake, hiding, hungry, and
ready to control.
Americans must not choose between liberty and the blessings of food,
rent, medicine, and life-sustaining necessities. Such grace is cheap.
We must instead nourish our freedom.
Now that the Iconoclast has said its piece, it will return to its
exile and gather its energy for another day. May you pursue your
happiness with hope, grace, love, and decency in community.
— Nathan Diebenow, Don M. Fisher, W. Leon Smith