Boater wrote:
BAR wrote:
Boater wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 07 Oct 2008 08:55:02 -0400, Cliff wrote:
Another story about the hero in your midst...
As far as your other complaints, well, almost every president in
my memory and I *remember* Truman, Eisenhower (who cheated on his
wife), Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush, lied and
participated in deceit to one degree or another, and on issues far more
important than who was giving them blow jobs. Good lord. I met
*every* president in the damned group except Bush, and I worked once
for his father.
He met all those presidents *and* the Dalai Lama! Who is this fabled
The Shadow knows!
Actually, I misspoke. I never met Eisenhower. And by "meet," I only
meant "met," not socialize, although I did have breakfast at the
Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City with Harry S Truman and Lyndon
Johnson in the hotel coffee shop. I met Truman at least a half dozen
times, because for a year, I was the KC stringer for a national news
magazine, and at least every other month, I was assigned to head out
to Independence to see President Truman and solicit his opinion on
something. He rarely had an opinion he wanted printed, but even a no
comment was worth $50 to me.
I met Nixon in 1960 at a GOP function in Connecticut my mother took
me to, and I met Gerry Ford when he was a Congressman representing
the Grand Rapids, MI, area. Got to shake hands with Carter at a
Democratic Party function in DC when he was president, and I saw
Reagan speak two or three times in DC when he was president. At one
of those functions, there was an opportunity to shake his hand and
say hello, and I did.
Herring, on the other hand, has met Bert Robbins, probably at a
"Alums of the Short Bus Riders Society."
Wasn't Kennedy screwing any woman he could get his hands on? And,
Johnson wasn't he screwing Kennedy's left overs?
Gee, I dunno, Bert. Bush and Cheney have screwed every single American
man, woman and child. I doubt Kennedy and Johnson together have screwed
us as much as Bush-Cheney have.
Kennedy and Johnson screwed 500,000 of your contemporaries and they were
complicit in killing 10% of them.