wrote in message
On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:23:29 -0400, "Gregory Hall"
Of course it was a Democrat. They are desperate.
Democrats have little to be desperate about. Their only worry is that
many Dems may feel that the spread is so wide that they don't need to
Yes, the left-biased pollsters do patriotic Americans a favor by skewing the
polls in favor of Obama. If ignorant Democrat voters believe Obama is a
shoe-in they'll stay home and gloat and end up losing.
Obama needs to go into the election in unbiased polls (likely voters with
equal sampling from both parties) up by at least six to eight percentage
points alone just to counteract the fact that many people lie about voting
for a Negro when asked in a poll in order to seem they are not racists. But,
when they get into the polling place in private they won't pull the lever
for a Negro, especially a Marxist Negro with so many radical and criminal
Gregory Hall