On Thu, 9 Oct 2008 12:34:33 -0300, "Don White"
"Vic Smith" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:16:05 -0500, wrote:
On Thu, 09 Oct 2008 07:00:12 -0400, John H. wrote:
Your economy should not have been dependant on ours, or your greedy nest
egg managers should not have bought sub-prime investment bundles.
Uh, you may have that backwards. Our economy is quite dependent on
theirs. They are our largest supplier of oil.
Hockey sticks and canola too, just off hand.
Oh, Molson's, Celine Dion, and that real pretty singer whose name I
can't remember. Some others. Don knows.
We have all kinds of pretty singers up here...are you thinking of Shania
Twain? (was living in Switzerland up till marriage breakup?)
She's the one. A real beauty, and I like her singing too.
But there's plenty of foxes up there. Reminds me of a training
session I had in Buffalo and some of us took a trip over the border to
see some tits and drink some Molsons.
One of the guys paid for some lap dances, same girl.
After about the third one - maybe 20 bucks a shot, he's back at the
table with us drinking more beer, leans over the table and says to us
"I think this girl really likes me."
He was serious. About the funniest thing I ever saw.
That was a trip. Better than fishing in the snow.