"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"jlrogers±³©" wrote in message
My recent employer, as a going away gift (bribe?), gave me a gift
certificate for some sailing time at South Coast Sailing Adventures out
of Kemah, TX. I have decided to apply it to sailing lessons, beginning
with ASA 101 through basic coastal cruising, and bareboat charting. I
figure this will give me an opportunity to find out if I am still capable
of sailing and enjoying it as much as 25 years ago. Also, I will be
staying aboard rather than spending the nights at a motel during class
periods. ($50.00 a night).
First up is a two day session beginning next Thursday. Hopefully I will
meet some folks in the area who need (or at least will settle for) some
inexperienced crew help.
Any suggestions or helpful advice will be greatly appreciated.
"Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little security shall
soon have neither." Benjamin Franklin
Sounds like a great experience in the offing... I think you'll enjoy the
class, and my bet is that it'll reenforce your perceptions about your
previous experiences. I'm not sure what the conditions are like in Kemah,
but one thing to be mindful of is the proper clothing and preparation
w.r.t. avoiding being seasick. Out here, it doesn't take much for the
level of anxiety some students have during a class, coupled with the wrong
kind of clothing (e.g., too much or too little) and/or too much or too
little food in the belly, to cause a problem.
"j" ganz @@
Good advice. In four years at sea on a destroyer, and four or five years of
sailing, in all kinds of weather, including a couple of typhoons, I was
seasick only once and that was on a beautiful day on a flat, glassy sea.
It was on the USS Boyd DD544, in the western Pacific. We were chasing a
carrier at 34 knots and the ship and her deck plates were vibrating so bad
it made me (and most others aboard) as sick as a sea scout on his maiden