O/T Is this true?
Dave wrote:
Hope this helped.
Yes, well done & thanks.
Some of what you've written here, I already knew... some is new to me.
I don't have much of a head for business, machinery is much more
straightforward thanks. But I do have at least a bit of a head for
numbers and what a lot of people have been saying does not add up.
The CRA is part of the crash picture, chalk that up to the Law of
Unintended Consequences. But it ain't the biggest root cause.
We should work at raising the level of public discourse, not lowering
Next... how about health care!
I'll start- saw a statistic a few weeks back that the "average" US
household spends about the same on electronics as on health care... I
bet this doesn't include employer-paid or gov't-supplied benefits, but
still it shows where the priority is.
Regards- Doug King